Monday, March 16, 2009

Writing Contest Goes Nationwide!!

The entries to Lexington Family Magazine's Writing Contest are starting to flow in. We're up to 93 entries now, with another 350 promised from local classrooms that I've visited. That's not counting the classes I haven't heard from. I'm thinking we'll beat our record high of 657 entries from 2007.
One thing that has surprised me is the entries from outside of Kentucky. We've had an entry from a school in Louisiana, 2 from South Carolina, and 3 from Pennsylvania. How are these people hearing about us? On-line, of course. Perhaps they read about the contest here on our blog, or maybe on our website ( or maybe they've found us on Facebook.
Wherever they found us, we welcome them to the Writing Contest.
There's still time for your kids to enter. Just find all the info here (just scroll down) or on the website. Write 100 words by March 27 and your child could win!

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