Friday, December 5, 2008

NO GIFT WRAP CHALLENGE - Drop what you are doing..

Seriously, drop what you are doing right now and run to the Salvation Army's Angel Tree at Fayette Mall. That's the booth where you pick the name of a child and their wish list and you provide holiday gifts for needy kids.

I was there this morning picking out names for our family to buy for and there were HUNDREDS of children's wish lists still waiting for sponsor. One of the volunteers working there told me they had more names this year because of the worsening economy. (Psssst - found loads of clothes at Penneys 50% off which made buying an outfit for these kids pretty easy)

The booth is in the newer part of Fayette Mall, near Dillards and they are open during mall hours. You need to pick out your kids and return the gifts to the booth by Dec. 14.

I also recently had an e-mail from the Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program saying that they were in need of folks to "adopt" families who need help with buying gifts this Christmas. If you can help e-mail

Now - after that public service announcement we return you to your regularly schedule CHALLENGE!

My first big gift wrap challenge came today as I "wrapped" all the gifts for our Christmas exchange with my sister's family on Saturday. I think I came up with some cute ideas!

The picture above is some old boxes that came with jewelry (yes, I'm a packrat, I save cute boxes). These were the perfect size for the jewelry I'm giving to my niece-in-law (is that a word?) and my great-niece.

The boxes were a little plain so I stuck a big white letter sticker on each box with the lady's first initial and added some little dots of liquid glitter. You could use stick-on bling, or even make dots with a pen or a sharpie. The little holly leaves were leftovers from an old sheet of Christmas stickers.

Now I have re-used an old box, used up some old stickers and didn't use a scrap of wrapping paper. This is an easy craft you could turn your kids loose on to.

I did some other cute packaging today too, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see them.

Happy Not-Wrapping!

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