Monday, December 15, 2008

NO GIFT WRAP CHALLENGE - something to do with all that money you saved!

Now I know all of you have been following my Challenge and therefore you have saved TONS of money by not buying wrapping paper. So take that money and get yourself tickets to the Lexington Children's Theatre's production of The Snow Queen.

I took my daughters to see it this weekend. It is amazing! The costume, the staging, the dancing and the music were all spectacular. Its best for kids over 8, but even my 15-year-old enjoyed it.

So call now - get your tickets! or 254-4546 ext. 247.

Back to the Challenge. Our lovely neighbors, Mary and Tom, brought us a gift this weekend and they used gift wrap! But they did it in a wonderfully recyclable way. Mary made a "soap opera box." You know, those boxes they use on TV where the bottom is wrapped separately from the top so that you can just lift off the lid? Its beautiful. And you can be sure I immediately recycled that box for a gift to another friend. I think I'm going to use some of last year's leftover wrapping paper to make some of my own "soap opera boxes."

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